Læsø Kunsthals største udstilling til dato, REBOUND, åbnede den 1. juli. Billederne er taget af Ole Bjørn Jacobsen.
Our main exhibition this year, REBOUND opened on the first of July. All photos: Ole Bjørn Jacobsen.

Åbningstale ved kunsthallens daglige leder, Jon Eirik Lundberg.
Opening speech by Art Hall CEO, Jon Eirik Lundberg

Julie Bitsch

Katja Bjørn

Hartmut Stockter

Professor Jens Morten Hansen, ved Danmarks Geologiske Undersøgelser, GEUS, født og opvokset på Læsø, redegør for den geologiske term “post-glacial rebound”.
Professor and geologist Jens Morten Hansen, born and raised on Laesoe, explains the geological term “post-glacial rebound”.

Jens Morten

Publikum udforsker Katja Bjørns, Julie Bitschs og Hartmut Stockters installationer.
Audience exploring the works of Katja Bjørn, Julie Bitsch and Hartmut Stockter.

Inde i Katja Bjørns videoinstallation, “Confinement” (2015)
Inside Katja Bjørn’s video installation “Confinement” (2015)

Værktitel / work’s titel: Interval 57 grader 16N, 11 grader 06’E

“The Worm’s Eye View-Periscope” on the left handside,
“Underwater Spy-glass with Ear Trumpet” on right side. Both by Hartmut Stockter.

“Confinement” by Katja Bjørn

“Frogsview perspective Periscope”, Hartmut Stockter

“Still Walking”, videoinstallation, Katja Bjørn